
          conditional_format_between(string $column, mixed parameter1, mixed $parameter2, string $color)  
This is one of the many conditional formatting methods in Smart Report Engine, which are used to change the background color of any column cells based on their values. This method highlights the background of any cells in any given column, with any selected color, if their values lie between a lower and an upper bound.
# This method is exclusive to the commercial edition and is not supported in the community edition .

# Note

If the color is omitted, the red color will be used.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
$columnThe column on which you want to apply this conditional formatting criteria.
$parameter1If any cell data, in the selected column, is more than this parameter and less than the second parameter, it meets this conditional formatting criteria, therefore it will be highlighted.
$parameter2If any cell data is less than this parameter and more than the first parameter, it meets this conditional formatting criteria, therefore it will be highlighted.
$colorThis color will be used to highlight the cells that meet this conditional formatting criteria.

# Returns

This method returns the calling object, so it can be chained with other methods in the ‘ReportOptions’ class

# Code Example

           $report = new ReportOptions(SRE_PUBLIC_REPORT);
       ->select_fields(array("id", "country", "list_price", "units_in_stock","product_name"))
       ->conditional_format_less("units_in_stock", 10, true)
       ->conditional_format_between("list_price", 0, 100,"#014421");
$engine = new CustomEngine($report);
$report_path = $engine->create_report();