
          set_chkSearch($allow = true)  
This method is used to show or hide the search box in the generated report if its data source is table-based. Please note that the search capabilities are supported only in table-based reports. So, no need to call this method with SQL-based reports
# This method is available in both the community edition and the commercial edition .

# Note

You don't need to call this method if you want to show the search box in a table-based report.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
$allowA boolean to show (iTure) or hide(False) the search box of your report. The default is True.

# Returns

This method returns the calling object, so it can be chained with other methods in the ‘ReportOptions’ class

# Code Example

           $report = new ReportOptions(SRE_PUBLIC_REPORT);
$engine = new CustomEngine($report);
$report_path = $engine->create_report();