
          filter_is_current_month($table, $column)  
This is one of the dynamic date filters. Applying this function on any date-type column should return records of the current month which is very helpful if you want to create a monthly report.
# This method is exclusive to the commercial edition and is not supported in the community edition .

# Note

Should be only applied to Date or DateTime columns

# Parameters

Parameter Description
$tableThe table to be filtered.
$columnThe filter-by column (The column by which you want to filter the report). Typically, in this case, this column should be a "Date" or "DateTime" column.

# Returns

This method returns the calling object, so it can be chained with other methods in the ‘ReportOptions’ class

# Code Example

           use SRE\Engine\CustomEngine;
use SRE\Engine\ReportOptions;

require_once "sre_bootstrap.php"; //Make sure use the correct relative path to this file.
$report = new ReportOptions(SRE_PUBLIC_REPORT);
        ->filter_is_current_month("items", "Manufactring Date");      
$engine = new CustomEngine($report);
$report_path = $engine->create_report();
if ($report_path) {
    echo "Report created successfully! Your report URL: $report_path  ";