This guide addresses common issues encountered during the Docker installation of Smart Report Maker. For each issue, we’ll explain whether it typically occurs on a Windows host, Linux host, or both, along with steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem. This will help you quickly identify and overcome any installation challenges, ensuring a smooth setup for Smart Report Maker.
1- Command not recognized issue
- This error may only occur on Windows hosts .
- The symptoms of this error include receiving the following error message when executing the installation script: ” .\docker_install.ps1 not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file”
Possible Reasons
- You are using Command prompt not PowerShell
- Make sure you’re in the correct Path
- PowerShell is not allowed to run scripts
Potential Solutions
- Make sure you are using PowerShell
- Make sure you’re in the correct directory, or use the full path to the script
- Make sure PowerShell is allowed to run scripts by running the following command
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
2- Execution of scripts is disabled
- This error may only occur on Windows hosts .
- The symptoms of this error include receiving one of the following error messages when executing the installation script:
- “.\docker_install.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system.”
- “.\docker_install.ps1 file is not digitally signed. You cannot run this script on the current system. For more information about running scripts and setting execution policy, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/”
Make sure PowerShell is allowed to run scripts by running the following command
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
3- Permission denied
- This error occurs on Linux hosts
- The symptoms of this error include receiving the following error message when executing the installation script: “./ Permission denied”
Possible Reason:
This error indicates that the script lacks the necessary execute permissions.
Potential Solution
execute permissions with the following command:
chmod +x
4- Issues while installing Docker engine
- This error may occur on both Windows and Linux hosts.
- The symptoms of this error include receiving one of the following error messages when executing the installation script
- The system is unable to install Docker Engine due to some issues. Please install it manually by following the instructions at, and then rerun the script.
- We couldn’t install Docker Desktop for you. Please install it manually by visiting After installation, restart your computer and rerun the installation script
Possible Reasons:
- The system is unable to download Docker Engine (in case of Linux Host) or Docker Desktop (in case of Windows Host), which is required to proceed with the installation process.
- The system downloaded Docker Engine or Docker Desktop but encountered an issue during the installation.
Potential Solution
1- Please download Docker Engine for Linux hosts from here, install it manually, and then rerun the installation script with the following command.
2- Please download Docker Desktop for Windows hosts from here, install it manually, and then rerun the installation script with the following command.
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\docker_install.ps1