Pivot tables are a powerful analytical feature in MySQL that allows you to transform data and generate meaningful insights from complex datasets. In this article, we will dive into the world of Pivot Tables, starting with an overview of what they are and how they are used. We will then walk through a step-by-step example of creating an MYSQL Pivot Table using MySQL queries, in other words, we will explain how to generate MySQL pivot tables without using Smart Pivot Table.

What is a Pivot Table?

A Pivot Table (also known as cross-tabulation) is a data processing tool that allows you to summarize, analyze, and extract insights from large datasets. It allows you to transform data from rows into columns, and vice versa, to create a multidimensional view of your data. Pivot Tables are commonly used in data analysis and reporting to aggregate and summarize data based on various criteria.

Usage of Pivot Tables

Pivot Tables are useful in a wide range of scenarios, including:

  • Aggregating and summarizing data

Pivot Tables can quickly summarize and aggregate data, making it easier to extract insights and identify patterns.

  • Data analysis

Pivot Tables can be used to analyze large datasets and generate meaningful insights for decision-making.

  • Database Reporting

Pivot Tables can create visually appealing and interactive reports that are easy to understand and share with others.

  • Business intelligence

Pivot Tables can be used in business intelligence applications to generate dynamic and interactive dashboards for data-driven decision-making.

How to Create a Pivot Table in MySQL

Let’s walk through an example of creating a simple Pivot Table that shows the monthly sales of each sales employee in the first quarter of the year. Assuming we have a very simple “Orders” table that has the sales employee who made the order, order amount, and date. Please note that to simplify the example, we will be using employee names instead of employee IDs in the table, although in a real-life scenario, the table would typically contain employee IDs. so the sales table structure will be something like the following.


OrderID EmployeeName OrderDate OrderTotal
1001 John Doe 2023-01-02 $18,000.00
1004 John Doe 2023-02-04 $22,500.00
1006 Emily Smith 2023-02-20 $19,500.00
1009 David Lee 2023-03-10 $21,000.00
1011 David Lee 2023-03-28 $24,000.00
1012 John Doe 2023-03-30 $19,500.00
1013 Emily Smith 2023-03-31 $21,500.00
1014 John Doe 2023-03-31 $16,500.00
1015 David Lee 2023-03-31 $18,000.00
1017 Emily Smith 2023-04-05 $17,500.00


To generate the MYSQL Pivot table we will need to run the following SQL query

    SELECT EmployeeName,
       SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(OrderDate) = 1 THEN OrderTotal ELSE 0 END) AS January,
       SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(OrderDate) = 2 THEN OrderTotal ELSE 0 END) AS February,
       SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(OrderDate) = 3 THEN OrderTotal ELSE 0 END) AS March
FROM orders
GROUP BY EmployeeName
This SQL query is used to generate a pivot table that shows the total sales for each employee in each month of the year. Here’s how the query works:
1. The `SELECT` statement selects the `EmployeeName` column and three additional columns that represent the total sales for each employee in January, February, and March. These columns are created using the `SUM` function and a `CASE` statement that checks if the `OrderDate` column corresponds to a specific month. If it does, the `OrderTotal` column is added to the sum. Otherwise, 0 is added to the sum.
2. The `FROM` clause specifies that the data should be retrieved from the `Sales` table.
3. The `GROUP BY` clause groups the data by `EmployeeName`, so that the total sales for each employee are calculated separately.
Overall, this query provides a simple way to generate a pivot table that shows the total sales for each employee in each month of the year, based on the data in the `Orders` table.
EmployeeName January February March
John Doe $18,000.00 $22,500.00 $36,000.00
Emily Smith $16,500.00 $19,500.00 $21,500.00
David Lee $20,000.00 $24,000.00 $39,000.00

Generating MYSQL pivot table using the Window functions

window functions can be used to create pivot tables in MYSQL. Window functions allow you to partition, order, and aggregate data within a group or window of rows, and can be used to calculate running totals, rankings, and other summary statistics.
Here’s an example of how window functions can be used to create a pivot table:

    SELECT EmployeeName,
       SUM(CASE WHEN MonthNumber = 1 THEN TotalSales ELSE 0 END) AS January,
       SUM(CASE WHEN MonthNumber = 2 THEN TotalSales ELSE 0 END) AS February,
       SUM(CASE WHEN MonthNumber = 3 THEN TotalSales ELSE 0 END) AS March
  SELECT EmployeeName,
         MONTH(OrderDate) AS MonthNumber,
         SUM(OrderTotal) AS TotalSales
  FROM orders
  GROUP BY EmployeeName, MONTH(OrderDate)
) AS SalesByMonth
GROUP BY EmployeeName;

In this example, the inner query generates a table that summarizes the total sales for each employee in each month of the year. The outer query uses window functions to pivot the data so that each row corresponds to an employee, and each column represents the total sales for that employee in a given month.

The `WINDOW` clause defines a window named `w` that partitions the data by `EmployeeName`, and the `SUM` function calculates the total sales for each month within the window. The `GROUP BY` clause groups the data by `EmployeeName`, so that the total sales for each employee are calculated separately.

Overall, window functions can be a powerful tool for creating pivot tables in SQL, and can be used to summarize and analyze large datasets quickly and efficiently.