Smart Chart Maker 2.0 major release announcement
We are excited to announce that we’ve just released the newest version of Smart Chart Maker, the best tool for creating professional graphs from any MySQL database .
Version 2.0 is a major release, it includes many new features. Here is an overview of what’s new in this release.
Draw a better looking graph from your MySQL database:
More graph options:
The new version includes more customization such as:
- More user-defined text on the graphs.
- More advanced legend which supports auto hiding, drag and drop, enable/disable, appearance customization and more.
- Customizable tool tips to ease reading the value on each data point on the graph.
- Filling the area under the graph line with color or gradient.
- New options related to the graph division and scale.
- And more.
Gradient color bar graphs:
The new version supports specifying vertical or horizontal linear gradients of any two colours, with the colors assigned from top to bottom or left to right, this feature will give bar charts much better looking.
New chart types:
The new version includes new chart types which are Scatter Graphs and Multiple Scatter Graph, both new graphs supports the ability to customize size, color and stroke of data points and draw a best fit line through the data points which is a great feature for analyzing your data
Better interface and more documentation:
The new version grouped all the appearance customization options to 5 categories:
1) Appearance
2) Scale
3) Axis
4) Legend
5) Tool tip
All these options are placed in a single page with multiple tabs to find what you want more easily , in addition to a more detailed user guide.