Frequently Asked Questions

[collapse_group id=”optional_group_1″ class=”optional_class”]

[collapse title= “What is the difference between Smart Report Maker and Smart Report Engine?” id= “optional_id100”]A: The difference between Smart Report Maker and Smart Report Engine is that the former is an end product for creating professional reports using an easy to use interface, while the latter is a reporting framework that PHP developers can use in their projects to generate reports by calling its API in their code.  


[collapse title= “If I buy Smart Report Maker, would I get to use Smart Report Engine?” id= “optional_id10012”]A: Smart Report Maker and Smart Report Engine are two different products, but now you can buy both products for only $108 (you save 15%) using this link.


[collapse title= “Can I integrate the reports I create with Smart Report Maker into my own project?” id= “optional_id10550”]A: Sure! Any reports you create with Smart Report Maker can be added to your software projects. Please check this tutorial for more details. 


[collapse title= “Can I create parameterized reports using Smart Report Maker?” id= “optional_id99”]A: Yes, creating parameterized reports is supported in smart report maker. For more info, please check this link.[/collapse]

[collapse title= “Can I host your products on my server?” id= “optional_id101”]A: Yes, after purchasing, you will be able to download the products and host them on your server.[/collapse]

[collapse title= “How can I generate a report with dynamic images from an MYSQL database?” id= “optional_id102”]A: Using Smart Report Maker, you can generate reports with dynamic images, for more details please check this tutorial.  [/collapse]

[collapse title= “How can I save a report as a template, to edit it later?” id= “optional_id103”]A: Using Smart Report Maker, you can save your reports as templates. This feature can be used for both editings an existing report and creating multiple reports that will be essentially the same (or very similar) with a few changes. For more details, please check this video tutorial  [/collapse]

[collapse title= “Can I generate Arabic or Hebrew reports using smart report maker?” id= “optional_id108”]A: Yes, Smart Report Maker can help you generate multilingual reports from your MySQL database. [/collapse]

[collapse title= “I got a proxy warning, why?” id= “optional_id104”]A: If you received a proxy warning while using Smart Report Maker version 7. x, please know that this is a “security warning.” It means you are accessing Smart Report Maker via a Proxy server.  If you want to allow accessing Smart Report Maker via any proxy servers, you need to disable the “Proxy detection” feature. For more info, please check this tutorial  [/collapse]

[collapse title= “Not sure how to create a ‘Master / Details’ form, using smart form maker?” id= “optional_id105”]A:   Using Smart Form Maker you can create Master/Details forms. For more details, please check this tutorial  [/collapse]

[collapse title= “Why should I choose your products?” id= “optional_id106”]A:   Here are the top 10 reasons for choosing our reporting tools. [/collapse]

[collapse title= “Can I transfer a certain report from one server to another?” id= “optional_id107”]A:  Yes, you can transfer any report generated by Smart Report Maker from one server to another. [/collapse]

[collapse title= “Can I create a pivot table if my data is stored in separate MySQL tables ?” id= “optional_id202”]A:  No problems, Smart Pivot table can create a pivot table to summarize data in multiple tables. Check this tutorial for more details. [/collapse]

[collapse title= “Do I need Microsoft Excel to use Smart Pivot table generator?” id= “optional_id201”]A: Not. You can generate web-based pivot tables from data in your MySQL database without having to install Microsoft Excel. Still, it is supported just in case you need to export the data into a spreadsheet sometime in the future. [/collapse]

[collapse title=”What are the system requirements of your products?” id=”optional_id200″]A:

– A web server Apache / IIS

– PHP version 5 or higher

– Any version of MySQL


[collapse title= “How secure my purchase will be?” id= “optional_id109”]A: Payment process will be completed by FastSpring, which proved to be a highly reliable company all over its great background and customer satisfaction.[/collapse]

[collapse title= “Which payment types supported by StarSoft Inc” id= “optional_id110”]A: You can purchase using debit cards, credit cards, MasterCard, PayPal, and all payment methods supported by FastSpring.[/collapse]

[collapse title= “How long it takes to complete the purchase process?” id= “optional_id111”]A: After you click the buy now button, you will be directed to FastSpring to complete the purchase this usually does not take more than a few minutes.[/collapse]

[collapse title= “I need to download my product again, and my download URL is expired, what do I do?” id= “optional_id112”]A: Please contact us. Once we receive your request, we will review the order and reset the expiration date for the URL[/collapse]

[collapse title= “After purchasing, how will I download the purchased product?” id= “optional_id113”]A: After purchasing, you should receive an email from “FastSpring”  This email should include the purchased product download link. [/collapse]


If your question not listed below feel free to Contact Us