Why choose our reporting tools ?

Why choose our reporting tools ? Here are the top 10 reasons

On the market since 2007

Smart Report maker is one of the first web-based report builder for MYSQL, it was first released in 2007. Since then thousands of users across the globe have used it for creating their reports.

A single license for five domains

Unlike similar tools, the price is affordable AND in addition every single license allows you to install and use our reporting tools in five domains!

Customizable apperance

Generated reports, charts, forms, and pivot tables will never look tacky and ugly. In fact, they are fully customizable. You can select your desired style and layout.

Easy to use interface

The edge that Our tools have over others is its easy user interface. It is so easy to use that even the non-web-savvy person can use them.

Continuous improvment

Not only does Our reporting tools for MySQL include many powerful features, but we are always working on developing exciting new features.

Completely interactive and dynamic

Generated reports, graphs, pivot tables, and forms are auto-updated, which means they will be always updated whenever new records are added, edited, or deleted from your MYSQL database.

Runs on your own server

Our products are web-based solutions which means, they will be installed on your own web server, so you won't worry about the privacy of your data.

Mobile friendly

Using our reporting tools you can create mobile-friendly reports, pivot tables, and forms.

No set-up hassles

With absolutely no script editing or third party extension framework needed, the installation process is extremely simple.

Friendly support service

If you ever have any problems, the support service is totally free.